메인 이미지
A Challenge To
Human Language

Brain Ventures is a company specializing in artificial intelligence natural language processing that incorporates the infinity of the human brain into artificial intelligence.


회사소개 이미지

Brain Ventures is a knowledge and technology-based VC-backed company in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that develops technology that implements computerized interpretation, evaluation, and creation of human language.

We have underlying technology that tracks and interprets the minute points of human language that contain many sensibilities and metaphors.

We are creating prototypes by developing an unstructured language big data set, an AI automatic translation engine based on deep learning, and language processing technology that combines STT technology.

Promotional video

Core Competence

회사역량 이미지1
AI translation
Implementation of accuracy and uniformity of translation products using artificial intelligence translation and supervision programs
회사역량 이미지2
Multilingual Interpretation and Translation
Multilingual translation services covering 45 languages worldwide English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, etc
회사역량 이미지3
professional supervision
Industry-leading translation supervision services Provision of supervision with confirmation document


Brain Ventures to create artificial intelligence
that understands, evaluates, and speaks!

Brain Ventures solves infinity and finite problems, unstructured and stereotyped problems, human-computer communication problems, and highest difficulty problems (Hello, Javis!).


May - Nov
  • May
    주식회사 브레인벤쳐스 설립 한국콘텐츠진흥원 창업발전소 사업(유튜브 AI 번역기)
  • Jun
    창업진흥원 초기창업패키지 사업(AI 자동 채점기)
  • Jul
    과기부 판교 메타버스허브 입주기업 선정
  • Nov
    해외원천기술상용화 사업(러시아, AI 문장의미 추출)
Feb - Dec
  • Feb
    SW사업자인증, 기업부설연구소 설립
  • Mar
    적격엔젤투자 유치(7천만원, 3,500주 증자)
  • May
    창업성장기술개발(디딤돌) 사업(다 의미 평가 모델 개발)
  • Aug
    TIPA 밸류업 8기 스타트업 선정
  • Dec
    과학기술정보통신부 장관상 수상
Apr - Dec
  • Apr
    벤처기업 인증(기술개발유형)
  • May
    신한오픈이노베이션 최우수 기업 선정(웹툰 번역기)
  • Jun
    글로벌 엑셀러레이팅 사업(Mind the Bridge사 협업)
  • Jul
    창업성장기술개발(사업연계) 사업(Chart to Text 기술개발)
  • Nov
    Brain Ventures USA 설립 및 미국 특허 출원
  • Dec
    중소벤처기업부 장관상 수상
Apr - Dec
  • Apr
    자율주행 객체인식 R&D 수주(산업부, 14억/2년)
  • May
    인공지능 데이터 구축사업 수주(과기부, 34억/6개월)
  • Sep
    Gartner사와 글로벌 애널리스트 협업 중 특허 13건 출원 및 등록, TTA 기술표준 2건 제정 학술논문 6건 게재, 공인시험인증 7건 보유
  • Nov
    Pre-A 투자 유치 진행중, 일본 Funguild사와 비밀유지계약서 체결, 웅진씽크빅 Udemy AI번역 계약
  • Dec
    가족친화인증 획득, 경기도지사상 수상(경기 우수벤처기업), 중소기업기술정보원장상 수상
Jan - Now
  • Jan
    성남시 청년고용우수기업 인증, 교육부 LINC 3.0 사업성공완료
  • Feb
    미국 특허 출원 대응
  • Mar
    중기부 판교창업존 본사 이전, COLOSO AI솔루션 POC 진행, TIPS 진입 준비중
  • May
    고용노동부 강소기업 선정, 중소기업중앙회장상 수상
  • Jul
    일본 펀길드, FOOM, 이태리 몬다도리 MOU 체결
  • Aug
    창업성장사업(글로벌R&D) 선정
  • Oct
    한국벤처투자 SAFE 투자
  • Nov
    기업은행/CNTT 투자 유치, 일본법인설립
  • Dec
    킹고스프링, 호서대 산단 투자유치


We present innovative global communication by breaking the boundaries of language
with AI translation and natural language processing.
Major areasDetailed areasBusiness details
Providing academic informationTrends related to natural language processingPresentations, research, and press releases on the latest natural language processing
Technical Advisory/ContactTranslation/search inquiriesTechnical questions and responses related to translation
Inquiry on the importance, metaphor DBTechnical inquiries and responses regarding ambiguity and metaphor data
Inquiries about natural language processing trainingInquiries and responses to training techniques related to natural language processing
Database SalesMetaphor DBStandard data purchase request, sales
Translation/search DBTranslate ambiguity, request and sell search data
Standard Natural Language Processing DBRequest and sell data by language
AI NLP ProgramMetaphor problem handlingProgram APO Sales and Corporate System Interworking
Representative researchContents
ASTEAspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction : Extracting emotional elements that recognize and analyze emotions and attitudes from user opinions such as products and services
Chart to TextTechnology for automatically extracting diagrams, graphs, etc. in documents into structured sentences

AI-based translation service
The artificial intelligence-based translation service provides
three services: image translation, AI translation, and webtoon translation.
Image translation
Image translation

AI translation is fast and accurate. Brain Ventures' AI translation is fast and accurate.

For accurate translation, we use our OCR recognition technology, METAPHOR, to text and translate the words in the image without missing a single word.

Upon receiving an image request, when METAPHOR recognizes text, the recognized results and text appear as text, like a black screen on the right.

Since webtoons are image formats, it is important to catch the text accurately, and that is the quality of the translation.

AI translation
business photo1
It provides fast AI primary translation within one minute per session.
business photo2
It accurately translates colloquial, exclamatory, onomatopoeia, and more.
business photo3
AI translation translates at a reasonable price compared to other companies.
Webtoon Translation
Real-time translation

Our professional Ai translation program can cover more than 90% of the primary translations.

Professional Translator Review

Experts in the target language can conduct reviews and provide accurate translation and localization.


At least two people review one piece of work to minimize errors.

AI Calligraphy Translation

The automatic AI calligraphy translation system keeps the design as similar to the original webtoon as possible.

Editing by a professional designer

Professional designers modify the design to maintain uniformity with the original.

Sample Translation Request

You can request a free sample translation.


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Contact us

Brain Ventures HQ
8F, 801, 815, Daewangpangyo-ro, Sujeong-gu,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
7F, 769, 815, Daewangpangyo-ro, Sujeong-gu,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Brain Ventures LAB
12F, 1207, 11, Geumto-ro 80beon-gil, Sujeong-gu,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Become the bridge of communication in the world through language

We will give wings to human language through artificial intelligence.
-Brain Ventures-